November 2020 Cookery Corner

photo of ham with a few slices

Recipe of the Month

Source: Ye Olde Newbury Cook Book 1927, Published in the Interests of the Ladies' Benevolent Society of the Oldtown Parish First Church, Newbury, Mrs. Caroline Randall.

Boiled Ham

Scrub the ham with a small brush in lukewarm water, rinse.

Place in kettle and cover completely with cold water and allow it to come to a boil; then remove ham instantly from the water and throw the water away.

Repeat this three times, and the smoky taste will not be noticed.

Then plunge the ham into a kettle of boiling water and place on stove where it will barely simmer.

A large ham should be kept at this temperature for 12 hours, a small one 10 hours.

Fast boiling makes it stringy and tough.

When done remove from kettle, stick fat and lean with cloves, few or many, according to taste; sprinkle with bread crumbs and brown in a very hot oven.

It should not remain long in oven.

When done it should be tender enough to divide with a fork and firm enough to slice thin with a knife.

---Mrs. Elizabeth Little Ilsley


December 2020 Cookery Corner


October 2020 Cookery Corner